The Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior is accepting abstracts for oral and poster presentations at the 2017 Annual Conference in Washington, DC, July 20 – 24, at the Grand Hyatt. Submissions are accepted online at http://sneb.submittable.com/submit. Abstract categories are:
- Research
- Program
- Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
- Food and Nutrition Extension Education Pre-Conference Workshop Research and Program posters on the topic “Next Steps in PSE – Effective Evaluation Methods in Policies, Systems and Environmental (PSE) Interventions” to be held Thursday, July 20.
- Abstracts related to this year’s conference theme: Honor the Past, Embrace the Present, Define the Future are also encouraged.
The first abstract deadline is 11:59 PM EST on January 23, 2017. Authors pay the $25 submission fee online. Abstract requesting consideration for an oral presentation must be submitted by the first deadline. Abstracts will be blinded and peer reviewed according to specific criteria. Authors will receive feedback based on a standardized evaluation form with an opportunity to resubmit if requested by reviewers. All accepted abstracts will be published in a supplemental issue of the Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior for the Annual Conference.
The deadline for late breaking abstract is 11:59 PM EST on March 1, 2017. The purpose of late breaking abstracts is to accommodate abstracts with results not available before the regular submission deadline. Abstracts that are submitted without results as late breaking abstracts will not be accepted. Late breaking abstracts must follow the same submission guidelines as for regular abstracts. Authors pay the $50 submission fee online.
Students and early professional researchers are encouraged to submit abstracts and can be considered for the Higher Education Division Student Research Award and the Nutrition Education for Children Poster Award.
Details are online at https://www.sneb.org/abstracts/.