Have you seen the crowded the ice cream with its many vegan/plant-based options? Read on to see how they fare nutritionally. And find recipes for easy frozen treats you can make at home if you choose plant-based.
An overview…
- Choosing a dairy-free ice cream looks at health concerns associated with coconut-based options and guidelines for what to look for on the Nutrition Facts label.
- Can ice cream ever be healthy? takes a look at low calorie ice cream, protein and fiber found in some products and taste ratings of brands.
- What else is in your ice cream? reviews ingredients such as agave, carrageenan, stevia and more.
- Ultimate guide to dairy-free ice cream categorizes options and brands available in each category: coconut milk ice cream, coconut cream, almond milk, cashew, soy, rice, pea protein, avocado, nutrient comparisons are provided.
- Find nutrition info for specific products/compare products.
- What 100 calories of frozen treats looks like – ice cream sandwich, popsicle and more!
Dietitians and others have their say…
You are likely to find some different opinions in these lists which might help you make your recommendations.
- 5 from least healthy to healthy non-dairy ice creams looks primarily at ingredients and taste for Coconut Bliss, Oatly, Ben & Jerry, Halo Top and others.
- 14 best dairy-free ice cream brands from 2020 shares what to look for on the ingredient list and the Nutrition Facts label, each ice cream has nutrition info and a description of ingredients as well as taste profile.
- 13 ‘healthy’ ice cream brands include organic, vegan and more, with detailed nutrition info.
How about DIY frozen treats?…
You don’t need an ice cream machine and in some cases you only need a blender to make these make-at-home frozen treats. (Some recipes require milk or yogurt, a plant-based alternative is not listed but may be substituted). Enjoy!
- Banana ice creams…
- Banana nice cream 4 ways – strawberry, vanilla, chocolate, chocolate peanut butter.
- Banana ice cream with suggested add-ins, nutrition info provided.
- Banana cantaloupe ice cream .
- 1-ingredient banana ice cream (w/variations). 1-ingredient banana ice cream w/variations (strawberry, mint, chocolate, green tea).
Other ice creams…
- Quick grape ‘ice cream’ – frozen grapes, Greek yogurt are the 2 ingredients needed, nutrition info provided.
- Dairy-free chocolate cherry ice cream.
- Razzleberry shiver – raspberries, bananas, yogurt, milk with nutrition info, Spanish translation available.
- Chocolate peanut butter blender ice cream made with powdered peanut butter.
- Pumpkin spice frozen yogurt with pumpkin purée, nutrition info – 39 sec. video.