As you all know, March is National Nutrition Month. We will have library displays, school activities, newspaper articles and special events.
Looking for great resources? Check out our collection of Reviews of New Resources in your hard copy JNEB or online at JNEB.org under the tab for New Resources. The collections online also have these interesting reviews categorized by topic and age category as well as by type of resource, for instance booklet, book, website, DVDs or eBooks. Interested in reviewing a resource for JNEB in the future? Contact Shirley Camp, MS, RD at reviewseditor@jneb.org.
Some resources have more evaluation and detail, and can be found in our GEMs (Great Educational Materials) collection under the Collections tab online. In the March 2020 issue, we published two GEMs: Enhancing College Student Recovery Outcomes Through Nutrition and Culinary Therapy: Mountaineers for Recovery and Resilience, and Encouraging Adults to Choose Healthy Now: A Hawaii Convenience Store Intervention. These GEMs, as well as the others in the collection, are meant to provide educators and researchers insight into activities that seem to work. They are not Research Articles or Briefs, but focus more on the detail of intervention so that they can be replicated within a program. What a great way to kick off something new for National Nutrition Month!
- RELATED: It’s a GEM!
Think about submitting your nutrition activity as a GEM this year. Guidelines for authors can be found on our website. Or you can always email me for some advice. Each year, one GEM is selected as the Best GEM of the year by our Journal Committee and Board of Editors. Last year, the Best GEM was Evaluation of a Mindful Eating Intervention Curriculum Among Elementary School Children and their Parents. Two finalists were also recognized at SNEB’s Annual Conference: Levels of Community Change: A Game to Teach About Policy, System, and Environment Change, and Cool Intentions: Adding Refrigerators to Elementary Classrooms Improves Fruit and Vegetable Access in a Pilot Study.
Across the country, we are celebrating and raising awareness of nutritional issues through activities and programs that heighten our community engagement. Be sure to include JNEB in your National Nutrition Month plans.
This editorial was originally published in the March 2020 issue (Vol. 52, Issue 3) of the Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior.