Dear SNEB community,
H.R. 6201 – Families First Coronavirus Response Act passed the House and is now before the Senate. This is good news as it provides benefits that are essential for all American families, but especially those who are vulnerable and lower income.
The House pared back the original language, but according to CNN it will, among other things, still:
- grant workers up to 2 weeks paid sick leave, up to $511 a day;
- provide paid family leave, up to $200 a day;
- allocate an additional $500 million for WIC;
- add $400 million to the Commodity Assistance Program;
- allow states to provide substitute meals for any child eligible for free or reduced price school meals, if school is closed for 5 consecutive school days or more; and
- empower the Secretary of Agriculture to purchase commodities for emergency distribution in any area of the United States during a public health emergency declaration.
SNEB leadership believes this bill is a positive first step in responding to the needs of households so they can continue to put food on the table.
As leaders in the fields of nutrition and health, we believe it is our duty to speak for the most vulnerable among us. This is a public health and economic crisis that requires swift action. The Senate must pass this bill immediately.
Act TODAY! Call your Senators at (202) 224-3121 (Capitol Switchboard) and urge them to quickly pass H.R. 6201 – Families First Coronavirus Response Act. You should also reach out to your Senators on social media.
Jennifer Wilkins, PhD, RD, President
Lesli Biediger-Friedman, PhD, MPH, RD, ACPP Chair
Rachel Daeger, CAE, IOM, Executive Director