Eating Competence Research: A Global Happening

21jul9:45 am10:45 am9:45 am - 10:45 am(GMT-04:00) Eating Competence Research: A Global HappeningSession TypeHealthy and Sustainable Pathways for Children and Youth

Event Details

A significant amount of research has been conducted about the eating competence approach to food and eating behavior. Findings have concurred with the initial findings that eating competence is a proxy for health, well-being, and reduced risk for chronic diseases. To date, nearly 200 researchers and practitioners) are using an eating competence approach. They are from 29 US states and 19 countries, representing six continents. Eating competence is measured in ten languages. This session updates this global research and details findings from locations in Finland, Brazil and Washington State to enhance integration of eating competence into research and practice venues.



July 21, 2023 9:45 am - 10:45 am(GMT-05:00)

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