Thanks to everyone who joined the Learning ZoneXpress team for the Dialogue Now session, “Signs, Signs, Everywhere a Sign!” at the 2018 SNEB Conference in our home state of Minnesota. For those of you who missed it, Learning ZoneXpress consults with clients worldwide to create customized, high-impact signs with images and messages to promote healthy eating and physical activity. Custom banners, posters, shelf signs, lawn signs, and supporting handouts are used in all kinds of settings from schools to food pantries, WIC waiting areas, and farmers markets.
The team uses simple, step-by-step “Who, What, When, Where, Why and How” questions to get to the heart and core of the message. For instance, one of the most important questions is, “What do you hope happens as a result of conveying this message?” Specifically, do you hope to change the reader’s behavior, attitude, or level of knowledge? Do you expect an emotional response? Do you expect the reader to take a specific action?
Equally as important is to determine specifically who will read the message. Children, adults or both? Is English their primary language? What are their reading skills? Answers to these questions help graphic designers and writers select the best images, how many words are used, the play on words, and complexity of speech.
If you would like to learn more, discuss a prospective project, or receive our brand new catalog, please contact Mary Beth Anderson, Director of Educational Resources, at 888.455.7003 or marybeth@learningzonexpresss.com.