Coordinated Approach to Child Health (CATCH®) sustains healthy learning environments designed to promote physical activity and healthy food choices for Early Childhood, After-School and Summer Programs. Awarded Center for Disease Control “Systems Change Award” 2012. CATCH supports the CDC model “Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child” (WSCC). CATCH is also aligned with HEPA, Healthy Eating and Physical Activity Standards for afterschool and preschool programming.
CATCH® was also recognized in Institute of Medicine (IOM) report as innovative effective physical activity and nutrition program for reducing childhood obesity risk.
Written into many funded grant applications, ® is now growing in implementations nationally, in schools, after school, YMCAs, Boys and Girls Clubs, Save the Children, Head Start, and many SNAP Ed and other extension programs. CATCH is also popular with obesity prevention coalitions as a program of choice. Training options include onsite, online and a train the trainer version.
Carol Caldara, MCHES
CATCH National Specialist at Flaghouse