I want to draw attention to a few JNEB updates. The first involves the use of ORCID—Open Researcher and Contributor ID. While we previously supported this option for authors or reviewers, we now require the corresponding author to enter their ORCID when submitting a manuscript. Be sure to enter only the numerals and not the ORCID link.
By registering with ORCID, users receive a unique digital identifier, also called ORCID, to which they can link their published articles and other professional activities. Authors then have a single record of all their research. This can reduce or eliminate confusion when the same person’s name appears in different ways in various publications, when people have the same or similar names, or when people change their name. JNEB encourages authors and reviewers to register with ORCID to facilitate the consolidation of their publication records. If you have authored or reviewed for JNEB previously, go to https://www.editorialmanager.com/JNEB/default.aspx and log in. Click on Update My Information, then click on Fetch/Register ORCID under Personal Information.
We also have a new article type: Questionnaire Development Research Methods. JNEB has published a large number of questionnaire reliability and validation studies. We already have a collection of these located athttps://www.jneb.org/content/collection_survey_validation. The collections are separated into questionnaires to use with children, those to use with adults, and those that measure the nutrition environment. The difference is that we now have this as an article type, rather than submitting as a Research Article or Research Brief. We hope that by having a focus on this article type, they can be more readily found during searches and can be incorporated more easily into future research and educational programs.
We have also updated our guidelines for authors concerning race and ethnicity. For preferred usage of terms related to race and ethnicity, see the American Medical Association Manual of Style, 10th edition. Authors should reflect on the race and ethnicity data collected and its purpose in their analyses in order to select appropriate terms. Authors should be consistent throughout the manuscript. “Specifying persons’ race or ethnicity can provide information about the generalizability of the results of a specific study. However, because many people in ethnically diverse countries such as the United States, Canada, and some European, South American, and Asian nations have mixed heritage, a racial or ethnic distinction should not be considered absolute, and it is often based on a person’s self-designation” (American Medical Association Manual of Style). It is suggested that authors consider including the category options provided to participants to self-classify; for example, “Race or ethnicity was self-reported by the parents of the children from a list including non-Hispanic white, non-Hispanic black, Hispanic, Asian or Pacific Islander, Native American (including Alaskan), biracial or multiracial (specify), or other (specify).”
Finally, we hope to finalize the details of a JNEB editor traineeship and share those details soon. We at JNEB consider ourselves and our Journal to be a mentoring environment. We hope this new traineeship will provide additional mentoring opportunities.
This editorial was originally published in the September 2020 issue (Vol. 52, Issue 9) of the Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior.