Schuster’s Blog: WIC Foods, SNAP, Rewards Programs and More
Schuster’s Blog: Grocery retail, competition, food deserts and more.
Schuster’s Blog: A proposed new definition of a ‘healthy’ claim for food and a new look at foods like SlimFast, pizza and more!
FDA’s proposed ‘healthy’ claim: background, reactions, impact…
- FDA webinar about the ‘healthy’ claim proposal (; view the 10/21/2022 FDA
The White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition and Health – now what?
Schuster’s Blog: High food prices: private labels, other deals/strategies
Schuster’s Blog: Universal school meals, ultra-processed food, Lucky Charms update and more.
Schuster’s Blog: School Meals and More
Social media, on shelves, sports gambling in grocery stores & more
- This fall UMass Amherst will be the first university to provide ratings of the carbon footprint of
Food and Food Buying News
Schusterer’s Blog — Health and Wellness
- health
- fitness
- wellness-oriented nutrition
- wellness-oriented appearance (Twinings Glow
Food environment changes…are these the changes we want?
2022 Deep Dives: Food Delivery, Food Recalls, Food as a Lifestyle, and More!

What Will Trend In 2022?

The Latest in Food and Tech

Text to shop, buy now, pay later for groceries…oh my!
FDA Summit: Ensuring the Safety of Foods Ordered Online and Delivered Directly to Consumers
Agenda. Comments/input to FDA
The summit has ended but you can view it online (links to each day is below). Inequity, Diversity, The Ethnic Aisle, Food Dignity and More…
2020 – 2025 DGA-related free online recorded webinars and other resources
Updated HHS DGAs toolkit includes consumer fact sheets
3-part webinar series on the 2020 DGAs (American Society for Nutrition) -
School Meal Challenges as the 2021/2022 School Year Begins
Is Hosting a Podcast in Your Future?

Having a hard time keeping track of plant-based options?

Cool plant-based ice creams are hot; DIY frozen treats

More Views of the Future
Two Views of the Food System: Food Everywhere / Vegetarian Food Relief

The State of SNAP and Online E-commerce
SNAP online grocery e-commerce has grown exponentially in a short period of time. What is the retail perspective? The
BIPOC & Women-Centered Food and Agriculture
Best Plant-Based Food Retailers; BIPOC and Vegan/Plant-Based Eating

Be Caffeine Aware for Caffeine Awareness Month (March)

Do Supermarkets Help Shoppers Find Healthy Groceries Online? How do Retailers Increase Online Impulse Buys?

Setting Goals/New Year’s Resolutions and National Pie Day

A Look Ahead: 2021 Food/Nutrition/Fitness Trends
Good-For-Them Gifts That Are Easy On Your Wallet
Cooking Fatigue: How to Overcome It & Resources
Reimagine this…recipes using food in new ways
Community fridges – the ‘little free library’ for food

Call them community fridges, free food fridges or ‘freedges,’ refrigerators set up in community locations for
CDC Coronavirus Halloween/holiday & other food-related guidelines; Bring PE to Your Family Week (October 19 – 23, 2020)

Community nutrition education during a pandemic

September is National Family Meals Month: Stay Strong with Family Meals

Meal kits: from delivery to grocery stores and more!

Just 3 years ago I looked at meal kits. How times have changed! The focus