
Being Healthy is DINE’s Responsibility

Posted by: , , and on Wednesday October 14, 2020 World Food Day is an international day celebrated every year worldwide to honor the founding of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Other organizations also mark the day by highlighting issues surrounding food security. The Division of International Nutrition Education (DINE) recognizes this day through programs and activities to educate individuals on how they can change simple habits to make a difference in the world. Due to the global COVID-19 pandemic, World Food Day (...)

External Validity

Posted by: on Monday October 12, 2020 In JNEB, the Discussion section should compare and contrast the results of the research with other published studies. The reason for this is to provide the readers with an idea of the external validity of the study. That is, can results be generalized to other populations, settings, times? Is the sample representative of a larger whole? External validity is enhanced with randomization, which in turn heightens the representativeness of the sample. Replication also increases external validity.1 (...)

Flipping the Script Towards Health Equity: A Call for Native Land Acknowledgment

Posted by: , and on Monday October 12, 2020 Nutrition and health professionals often discuss, research, and write about social determinants of health. We acknowledge health disparities among marginalized populations and inequitable access to foods, places, and spaces for healthful lifestyles. However, at what point do we acknowledge how settler colonialism promulgates inequitable access to healthful lifestyles, as well as the complexities regarding the damaging sociohistorical and contemporary contexts of policy, poverty, historical traum (...)

CDC Coronavirus Halloween/holiday & other food-related guidelines; Bring PE to Your Family Week (October 19 – 23, 2020)

Posted by: on Monday October 5, 2020 Two Coronavirus-related topics...First, CDC guidelines for holidays including Halloween and other food-related guidelines released during September 2020. Second, Ideas/resources for celebrating  the Active School campaign: Bring PE to Your Family Week (in lieu of Take Your Parent to PE Week) - Oct. 19 - 23, 2020. CDC Coronavirus Halloween/holiday & other food-related guidelines... CDC guidelines for holiday celebrations (including Halloween) updated 9/21/2020 helps you assess you (...)

Community nutrition education during a pandemic

Posted by: on Monday September 21, 2020 It’s impossible to capture all of the ways nutrition educators have continued to teach nutrition in the midst of a pandemic (some are highlighted here). Want more examples/resources? Read on...   WEBINARS/OTHER RESOURCES... **Delivering Food and Nutrition Education During COVID-19 (blog post) is a recap of a recent webinar from the Teachers College, Columbia University about how to go virtual when providing nutrition education. At this URL find the blog post, webinar recording (...)

JNEB Updates

Posted by: on Tuesday September 8, 2020 I want to draw attention to a few JNEB updates. The first involves the use of ORCID—Open Researcher and Contributor ID. While we previously supported this option for authors or reviewers, we now require the corresponding author to enter their ORCID when submitting a manuscript. Be sure to enter only the numerals and not the ORCID link. By registering with ORCID, users receive a unique digital identifier, also called ORCID, to which they can link their published articles and other profession (...)

2021 Conference Theme: Raising Reliance and Resilience

Posted by: on Tuesday September 8, 2020 Our premiere online conference this year was a resounding success due to our adaptation and innovation. The tech features of chats and networking lounge retained that unique meeting atmosphere from SNEB members who are friendly, generous, and inquisitive. Recognizing our ongoing pandemic and social inequities, our food future appears more complex but we are committed to rise to a sustainable world. About the Theme During catastrophes, humans become more interconnected and recognize that ou (...)

September is National Family Meals Month: Stay Strong with Family Meals

Posted by: on Monday September 7, 2020 It’s the 6th year celebrating September as family meals month and it’s clear that in a pandemic ‘family meals’ has taken on a new meaning (note the ‘stay strong’ part of the message). Many are experiencing more family meals and this has created a bit of stress and meal fatigue. Some resources... Family meals resources/recipes... Say ‘yes’ to family meals handout (2-page PDF, Iowa State University) shares benefits of family meals, challenges and solutions. Healthy rec (...)

The New Nutrition Facts Label: What’s In it For You?

Posted by: on Tuesday August 25, 2020 On March 11, 2020, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) launched “The New Nutrition Facts Label: What’s in it for You?” education campaign to raise awareness about the changes to the Nutrition Facts label. This first major update of the label in over 20 years is based on new scientific information, including the link between nutrition and chronic diseases like heart disease and certain cancers. The new label also better reflects the amount people typically eat and drink today.  T (...)

Streamlined Food Choices Due to the Pandemic

Posted by: on Monday August 24, 2020 Did we ever need 25 flavors of Oreo cookies (the number on shelves in 2019) or the many flavors/varieties in some product lines in this slideshow)? If you said ‘no,’ then you may find some solace in reduced food choices on grocery store shelves (and in fast casual/fast food restaurants) due to the pandemic. Shopping at the beginning of the pandemic has changed as compared to later in the pandemic. Currently, shoppers are visiting fewer stores and looking to have shorter, more efficient sho (...)