
SNEB President Koch emphasizes four key points during oral comments to Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee

Posted by: on Tuesday August 11, 2020 INDIANAPOLIS (August 11, 2020) –Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior President Pam Koch EdD, RD presented comments to federal officials on behalf of the Society regarding the Scientific Report of the 2020 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee: Advisory Report to the Secretary of Agriculture and the Secretary of Health and Human Services. Her key points were: Maximize guidance to women who are pregnant and/or lactating, infants, and toddlers through 24 months. Maximize CNPP (...)

Influencing Up: Children’s Sway on Parents’ Food Choices

kids and teacher
Posted by: on Monday August 10, 2020 Although the feeding relationship is acknowledged to be bidirectional between caregivers and children, most often parenting influences on young children’s eating behaviors are investigated through the lens of how parents influence children’s eating— either for the good or the not so good. While individual differences, such as children’s temperaments or sibling differences, are often referred to as having an impact on food parenting, very seldom is the child’s influence on the parent be (...)

Forging the Future of Food and Nutrition Education

Posted by: on Monday August 10, 2020 In her final JNEB presidential editorial, Jennifer Wilkins described how the COVID-19 pandemic presents challenges and opportunities.1 As I write this in early June, both the pandemic and protests for racial justice dominate the news. These crises have exacerbated the challenges we already faced: ecological threats on a planetary scale, the fragility of centralized and concentrated food systems, racial inequities in food access and health, and a food supply dominated by ultra-processed foods. (...)

Meal kits: from delivery to grocery stores and more!

Posted by: on Monday August 10, 2020 Just 3 years ago I looked at meal kits. How times have changed!  The focus then was on-line subscription delivery services. Though still around, meal kits are also now available from grocery stores and other locations. Read on... Why meal kits are taking over supermarkets notes that meal kits in grocery stores may be cheaper than others and they provide same-day availability. Existing partnerships between meal delivery services and grocery stores are listed. Meal kits in grocery stores (...)

What’s a Researcher to Do?

Posted by: on Thursday August 6, 2020 Force majeure. Pandemic. Global disaster. Not phrases I ever thought I would include in a JNEB editorial. Yet, here we are. We've switched to teaching online in both the university and outreach settings. We are trying to stay in touch with friends, family, students, and colleagues. We are stretching ourselves in so many ways. But what's a researcher to do? Face-to-face research has been suspended at most universities to slow the pandemic, save lives, and ease the burden on our health care wor (...)

Food Insecurity Article Collection

Posted by: on Monday August 3, 2020 View the article collection here. Food insecurity among all age groups within the United States is an issue, especially since COVID-19, where an estimated 22-38% of US households are considered food insecure. Lack of access to nutritious foods at any age increases one’s risk for not only chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes, but also impacts one’s mental health. As a scientific community, not only is it necessary to understand the complexities of food insecurity among cert (...)

LGBTQ+ Inclusion and Health Disparities

Posted by: on Monday July 27, 2020 I was listening to an interview with Chasten Buttigieg, husband of Pete Buttigieg. During the interview he shared this experience...after addressing a group of people as follows: ‘Ladies and gentlemen,’ a young boy approached him. He wanted Chasten to know that his use of ‘ladies and gentlemen’ didn’t include him. This story illustrates how many of us may inadvertently exclude those in the LGBTQ+ community. Below are tips to promote inclusion. (Note: Which term should I use? shares i (...)

NCCOR at SNEB 2020

Posted by: on Monday July 20, 2020 Get to know more about the National Collaborative on Childhood Obesity Research (NCCOR) and all the resources they have to offer nutrition education professionals. NCCOR is a collaborative between the nation’s four leading childhood obesity research funders: the Centers for Disease Control, the National Institutes of Health, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. NCCOR’s mission is to accelerate progress in reducing childhood obesity for all children, (...)

Linda Bobroff, Ph.D., RD Receives the Prestigious 2020 SNEB Helen Denning Ullrich Award for Lifetime Excellence in Nutrition Education

Posted by: on Friday July 17, 2020 Each year the Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior (SNEB) awards the Helen Denning Ullrich Award for Lifetime Excellence in Nutrition Education to one professional in the nutrition education field who has made outstanding accomplishments throughout their career. This year the Society is pleased to present the award to Linda Bobroff Ph.D., RD, for her impressive contributions to the field of nutrition education taught through Cooperative Extension. Dr. Bobroff will receive this honor virt (...)

The Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior Announces Joan Dye Gussow, EdD as the 2020 President’s Award Recipient

Posted by: on Friday July 17, 2020 The Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior Announces Joan Dye Gussow, EdD as the 2020 President’s Award Recipient It is my great pleasure to name Dr. Joan Dye Gussow as this year’s recipient of the President’s Award. Dr. Gussow is Professor Emeritus at Teachers College, Columbia University. Joan’s impact on the field of nutrition education is undeniable and she has been credited with inspiring so many to think critically about the role of nutrition education and related research (...)