
Susan Foerster MPH Receives the 2020 ACPP Health Promotion Policy Award

Posted by: on Friday July 17, 2020 Each year, the Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior (SNEB) and the Advisory Committee on Public Policy (ACPP) reward an individual or group that aligns with the Society’s mission to participate and enact change in nutrition education through policy change. This year’s award will be presented to Susan Foerster, MPH during the 2020 SNEB Annual Conference held virtually on July 20 – 24. Foerster has dedicated her career to advancing food and nutrition education, research, and polic (...)

Colleen K. Spees, PhD, MED, RDN, LD, FAND to Receive the 2020 SNEB Early Professional Achievement Award

Posted by: on Friday July 17, 2020 The Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior (SNEB) will honor Colleen K. Spees, PhD, MED, RDN, LD, FAND with the Early Professional Achievement Award in acknowledgment of her notable contributions to the field of nutrition early into her career at the 2020 SNEB Annual Conference held virtually on July 20 – 24. Dr. Colleen Spees serves as Associate Professor in the Division of Medical Dietetics at The Ohio State University College of Medicine. She also holds joint academic appointments (...)

Teen Battle Chef Receives the 2020 SNEB Nutrition Education Program Impact Award

Posted by: on Friday July 17, 2020 The Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior (SNEB) Nutrition Education Program Impact Award is given to an individual or group for a nutrition education program, practice, or intervention that has resulted in documented changes in behavior. This year the award will be presented to Lynn Fredericks of FamilyCook Productions for Teen Battle Chef (TBC) during the 2020 SNEB Annual Conference held virtually on July 20 – 24. Teen Battle Chef is a scalable evidence-based approach to adolescent (...)

Rachel L. Vollmer, Ph.D., RD Receives the 2020 Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Nutrition in Higher Education Award

Posted by: on Friday July 17, 2020 The Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior (SNEB) is pleased to present Rachel L. Vollmer, Ph.D., RD with the SNEB Higher Education Division Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Nutrition in Higher Education Award during the 2020 SNEB Annual Conference presented virtually on July 20 – 24. Dr. Vollmer is an Assistant Professor of Dietetics in the Department of Family and Consumer Sciences at Bradley University. Dr. Vollmer’s teaching philosophy includes four objectives: 1) learning o (...)

JNEB’s Best Article and GEM

Posted by: on Thursday July 16, 2020 The Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior (JNEB) announces the 2020 Best Article and Best Great Educational Material (GEM) awards which will presented at the Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior's (SNEB) 53rd annual conference, “What Food Future?” held virtually July 20 – 24. These annual awards recognize the authors of the best article and best GEM, published in the prior year in JNEB, as judged by members of the JNEB Journal Committee and Board of Editors. All authors wil (...)

Karla Pagán Shelnutt, PhD, RD Receives the 2020 SNEB Mid-Career Professional Achievement Award

Posted by: on Thursday July 16, 2020 The Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior (SNEB) is pleased to present Karla Pagán Shelnutt, Ph.D., RD with the Mid-Career Professional Achievement Award in acknowledgment of her notable contributions to the field of nutrition during the 2020 SNEB Annual Conference presented virtually July 20 – 24. Dr. Shelnutt is an Associate Professor and Extension Nutrition Specialist in the Department of Family, Youth & Community Sciences at the University of Florida, Gainesville. Truly a pa (...)

Marissa McElrone Receives the 2020 KSCN-SNEB Student Award

Posted by: on Thursday July 16, 2020 The Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior (SNEB) has partnered with the Korean Society of Community Nutrition (KSCN) to present Marissa McElrone, PhD, RDN with the KSCN-SNEB Student Award during the 2020 SNEB Annual Conference presented virtually on July 20 – 24. After earning a Bachelor of Science in Nutritional Sciences from Penn State University, McElrone worked as a Minority Health Promotion Coordinator and later as a WIC Nutritionist with various non-profits in both Rhode Island (...)

Health Disparities, Food Marketing/Food Deserts and Food Systems

Posted by: on Monday July 13, 2020 Getting started...what do we know about health disparities and systemic food injustice? (Note: A wide and complex topic such as this is difficult to address in one place and not every community is represented here). Read on.. Health disparities/health equity... What are health disparities? provides a definition and examples. Health disparities - infographics for various diseases/conditions. Social determinants of health including education, housing and income - infographics. (...)

Challenges and Opportunities Created by the COVID-19 Pandemic

Posted by: on Friday July 10, 2020 The COVID-19 pandemic is an unprecedented challenge with immediate impacts on public and economic health. It has radically changed relationships across the globe. Our personal relationships have been radically altered as we've learned to socially distance ourselves, wear face masks when walking or shopping, smile more with our eyes, and nod or wave our greetings. We're holding Zoom meetings and classes and forming exclusive social “pods” of quarantine buddies and sharing meals virtually. (...)

Congratulations and Thank You

Posted by: on Friday July 10, 2020 This is the time of year when we are normally getting ready to see everyone at annual conference, and to celebrate all the accomplishments. I first want to acknowledge JNEB's Best Article Award authors, Morgan McCloskey, Susan L. Johnson, Traci Bekelman, Corby Martin, and Laura L. Bellows, for their article “Beyond Nutrient Intake: Use of Digital Food Photography Methodology to Examine Family Dinnertime.”1 The Best Article Award is selected by the Board of Editors and a subcommittee of the (...)