
5 Reasons to Register for the SNEB Annual Conference

Posted by: on Wednesday July 1, 2020 Join the Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior for five days of cutting-edge research, virtual abstract presentations, live Q&A, and more! Below are just a few of the benefits of attending this premier nutrition education event: Education: The SNEB Annual Conference is consistently a great opportunity to earn continuing education credits but the new virtual format allows for even more credit opportunities. CDR – 46 total CEUs which can be viewed for credit over the next 3 (...)

On Reflecting; Let’s Start with Stories from Diverse Perspectives

Posted by: on Monday June 29, 2020 In response to the recent events SNEB has shared these helpful resources from the Food Solutions New England Network as they work to transform the food system so that it is sustainable, just and resilient: Racial Equity Challenge Resources - food systems; 21-day challenge and learning materials. I am sharing some additional resources. Books Two books that have stayed with me: The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down:A Hmong Child, Her American Doctors and the Collision of Two Cul (...)

The Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior (SNEB): Statement on Addressing Racial Injustice

Posted by: on Wednesday June 17, 2020 The Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior (SNEB) Statement on Addressing Racial Injustice We are heartbroken, angry and deeply saddened by the repugnant displays of police violence against Black People and other People of Color across our country. Our deeper heartbreak, anger and sadness is over the social injustice, systemic racism and lack of accountability that have long defined and divided our country. Longstanding misuse of privilege and power by individuals, institutions, and poli (...)

What Will School Meals Look Like When School Reopens?

college students
Posted by: on Monday June 15, 2020 When school resumes in the fall (or late summer) of 2020, school foodservice will look different. Schools, already challenged by the pandemic, will change operations. Some districts are surveying parents about re-opening schools and some are asking about school lunch. The School Nutrition Association is leading a series of Zoom meetings to help their members gear up for re-opening. Nutrition educators who teach nutrition and health in classrooms and cafeterias will want to be aware of the c (...)

Mentorship: Building Research Capacity Within the Society

Posted by: on Wednesday June 10, 2020 The Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior's Research Division is focused on three functions: 1) engaging members in research through capacity building and networking; 2) increasing the rigor of submissions to JNEB; and 3) bringing together students and researchers to strengthen the potential of future nutrition educators. Mentorship is central to these functions, and mentors have been found to exist laterally, virtually, and among peers.1 Peer-to-peer mentoring among students and researc (...)

SNEB’s conference goes virtual in 2020

Posted by: on Wednesday June 3, 2020 INDIANAPOLIS (June 3, 2020) – Distinguished nutrition educators from around the world will gather in a truly global event this summer as the Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior hosts its 53rd Annual Conference entirely online. Times of crisis like the COVID-19 pandemic make it all the more clear how important a sustainable food system is to ensure healthy affordable food at the local, national and global levels. “Charting the future of nutrition education is more important tha (...)

Food Now…Food Tomorrow

Posted by: on Monday June 1, 2020 For now, our focus is still on the food supply chain and how we are eating, spending our money on food and takeout. In the immediate future, will what we are eating change? Will online grocery shopping increase? In the longer term, how will the food system change? What will school meals and eating out look like? Cue up the crystal ball... Food now...a snapshot **Charting the spread of COVID-19 in the food system looks at what states have seen food processing/farm worker COVID-19 outbreaks (...)

2019 Presidential Address published in peer-reviewed journal

Jennifer Wilkins
Posted by: on Friday May 29, 2020 Dear SNEB members, Those of you who attended the open business meeting at the 2019 Annual Conference may recall that I gave a presidential address in which I shared my vision for the Society. I suggested critical roles for nutrition educators, researchers, academics and advocates to simultaneously address public and planetary health. In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and its health and food system impacts, these issues become even more critical. I am happy to share with you that a r (...)

2020 Annual Conference now a virtual event

Posted by: , , and on Monday May 18, 2020 Dear SNEB Community, SNEB leadership and staff hope this message finds you and your loved ones healthy and safe. We continue to be amazed and inspired by the work you are doing around the world to help those most vulnerable to this pandemic’s impacts. Your continued health and well-being have always, and continue to be at the forefront of our minds as we monitor this pandemic. With that in mind, and based on current health guidance in California and San Diego, the Board of Directors has (...)

Uh-oh, where’s the beef?

Posted by: on Monday May 18, 2020 Consumers are seeing local meat shortages. Meat processing plants, where workers are in close contact, continue to see shutdowns when COVID-19 infections spread plant-wide. Shortages are a disruption of the supply chain, not a food availability problem - there’s enough food but the form of the food (fresh ground meat for Wendy’s or boneless chicken breasts requiring processing before making it to supermarkets) is not always available in ways that are convenient and familiar. The first 5 minu (...)