
SNEB members respond to COVID-19 pandemic with creativity and resilience

Posted by: on Thursday April 23, 2020 In this unprecedented, stressful and, for far too many, tragic time, it is uplifting to hear how our SNEB community is responding to the range of challenges this pandemic has brought about. As always, SNEB members are revealing their strength, creativity and resilience. Academics have pivoted quickly to teaching and advising online. Researchers are devising alternative ways to carry on with their investigations and even coming up with new questions to pursue in light of the coronavirus pandemic. (...)

US food supply chain during a pandemic

food distribution / supply chain
Posted by: on Monday April 20, 2020 If you’ve got the ears, podcasts may just be what you’re looking for if you want to understand how the US food supply chain works, and learn about new cooking ideas in the midst of the current pandemic. Note: a video and article about the food supply chain is included as well. And if you are concerned about farm products going to waste, check your local/agriculture agency websites - they may be following the lead of some states who are linking consumers with farmers so food doesn’t go to w (...)

What does scholarship mean to you?

science, scholarship, and learning
Posted by: on Thursday April 9, 2020 This issue of JNEB is a themed issue whose topic was decided by a subcommittee of the Journal Committee. At each annual conference, a call for papers related to the issue’s theme is announced, and a submission deadline is set for the following spring. The current call for papers concerns the investigation of reductions in food loss and waste; that issue will take new submissions through September 15. EDITOR'S NOTE: The original submission date was April 15, but the Journal Committee electe (...)

Leveraging the power of nutrition educator competencies

professor and students
Posted by: on Wednesday April 8, 2020 One of the areas of work undertaken by SNEB members over the past several decades that most excites me is the development of professional competencies for nutrition educators. Competence includes “knowledge, skills, abilities, and traits,” and is considered a key determinant of professional performance. Being the only professional organization focused solely on nutrition education — as a practice, as a rich area of scholarship and research, and as a focus for policy advocacy — it mak (...)

Active at home during a pandemic

treadmill workout
Posted by: on Monday April 6, 2020 Quick tips move every hour instead of weights, try a backpack filled w/books, a gallon of water, or cans to do arm exercises keep athletic shoes by the door or near your desk to remind you to walk - just remember to social distance garden check local gyms, yoga studios or other places that might be offering free online classes or other resources Online resources desk exercises at work (online PDF) online workouts desk yoga stretches 8 exercise moves you can do (...)

Food during the pandemic

vegetable salad
Posted by: on Monday March 23, 2020 With many of us at home, we have more time to search online for ideas. The tips, links below aren’t meant to be exhaustive. Stay healthy...and take a walk! ;) My personal tips: Every time I grocery shop, I pick up some canned or frozen or other goods not requiring refrigeration or freezing. I enjoy stir-fries so when I see items available for preparing them - fresh cauliflower, zucchini, etc. - I pick them up knowing I can use canned goods at a later date if fresh items become harde (...)

Call to Action: Call your senators about COVID-19 response

Capitol Hill
Posted by: on Wednesday March 18, 2020 Dear SNEB community, H.R. 6201 – Families First Coronavirus Response Act passed the House and is now before the Senate. This is good news as it provides benefits that are essential for all American families, but especially those who are vulnerable and lower income. The House pared back the original language, but according to CNN it will, among other things, still: grant workers up to 2 weeks paid sick leave, up to $511 a day; provide paid family leave, up to $200 a day; all (...)

COVID-19 Update: Annual Conference moving forward as scheduled

Posted by: on Tuesday March 10, 2020 Dear SNEB community, As you know, concern over the COVID-19 outbreak is increasing globally. SNEB leadership and staff are staying on top of this developing situation at both global and local levels by monitoring the recommendations for events and practices issued by: California Department of Public Health Centers for Disease Control World Health Organization Based on current recommendations, there are no plans to cancel or postpone the Annual Conference, which begins in San Die (...)

National Nutrition Month 2020

National Nutrition Month
Posted by: on Monday March 9, 2020 As you all know, March is National Nutrition Month. We will have library displays, school activities, newspaper articles and special events. Looking for great resources? Check out our collection of Reviews of New Resources in your hard copy JNEB or online at under the tab for New Resources. The collections online also have these interesting reviews categorized by topic and age category as well as by type of resource, for instance booklet, book, website, DVDs or eBooks. Interested (...)

Hand washing is trending – thanks, coronavirus!

Posted by: on Monday March 9, 2020 With the spread of coronavirus, hand washing is a message getting out to the public in a BIG way, but there are other related issues the public may want to know about: nutrition scams/misinformation, best hand washing technique, DIY hand sanitizer, what happens to students who rely on school lunch when school is closed, and more. Answers/resources are below. Keep up with the CDC, WHO, NIH, your state/local health departments (Florida has a 24/7 Coronavirus hotline), state/local universi (...)