
In the News: Growing trends in plant-based foods

impossible foods
Posted by: on Monday October 21, 2019 Plant-based trends Vegan school lunches expand (according to the School Nutrition Association, in 2016, 11.5% of school districts provided vegan meals in an least one school and this increased to 14% in 2017) @ and tracking Impossible Foods growth with a March survey that finds 36% of Americans wished fast food had more vegetarian options @ htt (...)

SNEB goes to Cuba

Posted by: on Thursday October 17, 2019 Cuba: Health, Nutrition & Culture July 31 - Aug. 4, 2019 At 3:45 a.m. on Wednesday, July 31, 2019, a contingent of sleepy yet expectant SNEB members and conferees gathered in the Orlando Hyatt Regency Grand Cypress lobby to meet Chris Cloonan, who would be our guide in Cuba. Aside from Chris, who had studied and traveled extensively there, this was the first trip to Cuba for the entire group. Many of us had long been interested in visiting this island country to learn more about its tangle (...)

Sponsor an article in JNEB

Posted by: on Tuesday October 15, 2019 Did you know you can publish a Sponsored Article in the Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior? Sponsored Articles can range from an individual manuscript all the way up to an entire supplemental issue, allowing you to publish multiple papers in a single issue, add visibility to and increase promotion of your work, show support for JNEB and SNEB, and be immediately available to more than 30 million researchers on in addition to "A collectio (...)

Reflections on the 2019 Annual Conference and Post-Conference Tour to Cuba

farm in Cuba
Posted by: on Thursday October 10, 2019 As I begin my term as president of the Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior, I am buoyed by the vitality, enthusiasm, and passion that I observed in all who attended the Annual Conference in Orlando: Nutrition Education − Rooted in Food. With 670 attendees, the sessions were energetic and followed by rich discussion. It was wonderful to see everyone and to welcome so many new members and first-time attendees. I hope to see you all again next year in San Diego! In session after sess (...)

It’s a GEM!

Posted by: on Thursday October 10, 2019 Ever wonder what the difference between a Research Brief and a GEM (Great Educational Material) is? From JNEB's author guidelines: Great Educational Materials (GEMs) are brief descriptions of innovative and useful approaches to nutrition education and behavior. Innovative approaches are novel, creative, and thoughtful, generally not having been published before. GEMs describe educational material, including brochures, curricula, videos, websites, apps, materials, or something tangible that tea (...)

Hello from SNEB’s new Senior Communications Coordinator

Evan Hoffmeyer Headshot
Posted by: on Tuesday October 8, 2019 My name is Evan Hoffmeyer and I joined the Society’s staff about six weeks ago now. It’s an honor to work for such a dedicated organization. I’ve spent the past 12 years telling the stories of my community as a local journalist and I’m excited to now tell the stories of SNEB’s members and their work in communities around the world. I’ve already gotten to work with some of you, especially on the Journal Committee and Advisory Committee on Public Policy. Even if we don’t work toge (...)

IDEAL offering up to $100K for emergency and development food and nutrition security activities

IDEAL logo
Posted by: on Tuesday October 8, 2019 IDEAL, Implementer-led Design, Evidence, Analysis and Learning Activity, is offering up to $100,000 for an organization engaged in emergency and development food and nutrition security activities. Part of IDEAL's small grants program, the Program Improvement Award is meant to fund important resources over the course of 12 months that can improve the quality of program design and implementation across the food and nutrition security community. In order to be considered, applicants need to (...)

In your ears: podcasts about meatless/plant-based foods and recipe preparation

impossible foods meatless burger
Posted by: on Monday October 7, 2019 Want to learn about meatless options from many viewpoints? There’s a podcast episode for you. And what about listening to a recipe being prepared instead of watching a video? There’s a new podcast for that, too. **The Future of Meat - Freakonomics - 58 min. includes the current state of meat, environmental impacts of meat production, a focus on Impossible Foods and trade group perspectives @ Here is the nutrition label for the Impossible (...)

SNEB and other nutrition organizations push for full WIC appropriation

Breastfeeding mother and baby
Posted by: on Friday October 4, 2019 WASHINGTON - The National WIC Association Friday, alongside SNEB and other nutrition-minded organizations, called on Congress to fully fund WIC's Breastfeeding Peer Counselor Program. It's been flat-funded at $60 million for nearly a decade despite being authorized for up to $90 million under the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010. The House voted to fix that by fully-funding the program at $90 million, but the Senate Appropriations Committee voted last month to pull funding back to $80 m (...)

SNEB conference program, JNEB position paper topic deadlines coming up

Posted by: on Monday September 23, 2019 The Society has two submission deadlines coming up that you should be aware of. SNEB's call for topics for position papers to run in the Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior wraps up Tuesday, Oct. 1. Position papers provide a comprehensive discussion of SNEB’s policy on one or more topics. Containing extensive background information and analysis, the position paper provides a more complete understanding of the issues and the reason behind the position(s) set forth by the organization (...)