
Addressing the Issue of Food Insecurity on College Campuses

Posted by: on Wednesday June 19, 2019 Originally published in the May issue of JNEB. By Linda L. Thompson, PhD, LN; Mateja R. Savoie-Roskos, PhD, MPH, RDN; Alisha R. Farris, PhD, RDN; Kristin Riggsbee, PhD; Sa’Nealdra Wiggins, BS Food insecurity among college students is becoming a more widely recognized issue across the country. Recent studies report between 30-50% of college students experience some level of food insecurity, a rate that is nearly two-fold higher than the general public.1-3 Although food insecurity (...)

TraDiSHional Impact on the Health of Native American Children

Posted by: on Wednesday June 19, 2019 Originally published in the June issue of JNEB. Native American (NA) children have a rich cultural and sensory relation- ship with food. Consider the smell of burning sage and the beat of the drum echoing a heartbeat into the distance. The taste of Indian tacos while watching elders and children dancing in a circle with locked hands wearing vibrant regalia. All five senses implored at powwows awaken emotion entangled in traditional culture. For NAs, food symbolizes cultural connectivity a (...)

Reaching Pregnant and Postpartum Women: What We Want, What They Want

Posted by: on Wednesday June 19, 2019 Originally published in the June issue of JNEB. Pregnancy is an exciting, stressful, challenging time for most women. We try to be perfect so that the little one develops into a healthy, happy baby. However, trying to be perfect can be so stressful! In terms of food and weight gain, the challenges are there every day. Kroeger et al1 reported on the reasons for late-night eating within a sample of 18 low-income black, pregnant women since this type of eating could lead to impaired glucose (...)

It’s a Veggie Chip World and We Just Live in it!

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Posted by: on Monday June 17, 2019 Article originally appears in the June 7, 2019 issue of the SNEB eCommunicator. I was recently in the chip aisle and was overwhelmed by the many veggie chip choices. (Cauliflower pretzels? Really? Personally, I’d rather roast some cauliflower and add my own spices.) My concerns about veggie chips are that many are high in sodium and pricey. OK, to be honest, the few that I’ve tried aren’t very tasty. Here are some resources to help you assess the options out there. **2 databases to (...)

JNEB Editorial: Updates from JNEB

Posted by: on Saturday June 15, 2019 Originally published in the May issue of JNEB. Hopefully you have now noticed that JNEB has transitioned from the EES system to Editorial Manager for manuscript submission, review, and processing. Although not without a few challenges, the JNEB team, Elsevier, and our Managing Editor worked together to assure that our authors, reviewers, and readership experienced few delays or errors. If you received something confusing or frustrating, we apologize. Most of the JNEB awardees have been rec (...)

SNEB Editorial: Inquiring Minds Want to Know: Supporting SNEB Member Capacity to Describe, Explain, Predict, and Impact Nutrition Behaviors and Environments

Posted by: on Friday June 14, 2019 Originally published in the April issue of JNEB. In July of 2018, the Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior (SNEB) Research Division officially opened for business. Our first endeavor was to establish working mission and vision statements. This was accomplished, beginning at our inaugural division meeting during Annual Conference, with a follow-up for member input in the fall. The mission of the SNEB Research Division is to enhance the capacity of the Society to conduct and diss (...)

JNEB Editorial: Sustainability Planning

Posted by: on Friday June 14, 2019 Originally published in the April issue of JNEB. If you have not already read the January JNEB issue, please do review the SNEB Position Paper in that issue concerning environmental sustainability being included in dietary guidelines.1 The position states that this should occur whether providing guidance for individuals or groups and in national guidance. This may be a call to action for nutrition educators. Do we discuss in our programs and individual counseling sessions issues on enviro (...)

Nutrition Buzzwords – Are You ‘In the Know?’

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Posted by: on Monday June 3, 2019 Article originally appears in the May 24, 2019 issue of the SNEB eCommunicator. What words or terms keep showing up in the popular press? Read on... Nutrition buzzwords **There’s refined, processed and now ultra-processed which popped up in this recently published study which comes with some caveats (the study ran for 2 2-week periods and was a small study although it was a randomized, controlled trial). The results are stunning and deserve more research: Ultra-processed foods driv (...)

#SNEB2019 Sneak Peek Pod: Inside the FNEE Pre-Conference Session

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Posted by: on Friday May 31, 2019 "You can have the best intentions but if you don't know your client, it's going to be really hard to help them. After this pre-conference session, we're confident participants will know a little bit more about the Hispanic culture." - Diana Romano, Oklahoma State University In the premiere episode of the #SNEB2019 Sneak Peek Podcast, we explore this year's SNEB Food and Nutrition Extension Education Division workshop entitled Our Changing Population: Reaching Diverse Populations through (...)

What’s in a Name? Plant-Based, Plant Forward or Plant-Centered?

Posted by: on Monday May 20, 2019 Article originally appears in the May 10, 2019 issue of the SNEB eCommunicator. Currently, 39% of us are actively trying to eat more plant-based foods ( And take a look around us, the Impossible Burger is going national at Burger King later this year and plant-based milks are fast filling grocery shelves. What do we call these eating plans when talking with the public? Some options are provided below. Perhap (...)