
JNEB Editorial: Coherence in Adopting Implementation Science?

Posted by: on Wednesday March 13, 2019 Originally appears in the March issue of JNEB. Implementation science is gaining in adoption by nutrition education and behavior researchers. You probably already know this and are wondering why I bring this as a focus for this editorial. Well, although we acknowledge the growing popularity of implementation science, there are so many perspectives within this discipline that I want to raise awareness. In the Frigge et al1 article, the authors frame their research in Normalization Process (...)

JNEB Editorial: The iCook Supplemental Issue

Posted by: on Wednesday March 13, 2019 Originally published in the March Supplement issue of JNEB. I am so excited to be publishing this US Department of Agriculture (USDA)- funded childhood obesity prevention work, referred to as the iCook 4-H project. This supplement represents over 5 years of outstanding collaboration,  although I am sure there were challenges that this adept team needed to overcome. As you read this supplement, pay special attention to the thoughtfulness of the planning. We sometimes overlook the format (...)

SNEB Editorial: DigiTech Division: Positioning SNEB to Lead the Way in Digital Technology for Nutrition Education and Behavior Change

Posted by: on Wednesday March 13, 2019 Originally appears in the March issue of JNEB. In July 2018, the Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior (SNEB) launched the Digital Technology in Nutrition Education and Behavior Change (Digi- Tech) Division.1 Sharing SNEB’s mission and  vision with the other 11 divisions, the DigiTech Division purposefully aligns its goals and values to SNEB’s. We aim to strengthen the promotion of effective nutrition education and healthy behavior through research, policy, and practice that inc (...)

More Grocery Store Disruptors with a Focus on Technology

Posted by: on Monday March 4, 2019 Article originally appears in the February 28, 2019 issue of the SNEB eCommunicator. Last year I shared some grocery store disruptors. Guess what? Here are more... **5 tech trends that will shape grocery in 2018 Interesting datapoint, 55% of U.S. households will have speakers like Alexa or Google Home by 2022 so look for grocers to hop on the voice ordering bandwagon. **Technologies and tr (...)

School Food Service at the Ground Level

Posted by: on Wednesday February 20, 2019 Article originally appears in the February 14, 2019 issue of the SNEB eCommunicator. The recent government shutdown highlighted the challenges of school lunch, especially rural districts working within tight budgets. Did you know that the first Friday in May is School Lunch Hero Day when you can recognize school food service staff? The National Education Association has School Nutrition Employee Week (first week of May). Let’s celebrate early and learn about the real world of school food s (...)

SNEB Editorial: Professional Development and Volunteerism Can Go Hand in Hand

Posted by: on Friday February 8, 2019 Originally published in the January 2019 issue of JNEB. As the New Year begins and thoughts of resolutions to be healthier, save more money or take a vacation fill your mind, the FNEE Division would like for you take a moment to consider a resolution about professional development.  As nutrition professionals, we seek to make the lives of others better by being healthy.  To stay true to that, we must continue to sharpen our skills and stay on top of current trends, practices, and programs. (...)

SNEB Editorial: Public Health Nutrition: Translating Research into Practice

Posted by: on Friday February 8, 2019 Originally published in the February issue of JNEB. Public health nutrition is a unique, multifaceted discipline that includes a wide range of experts in the research, policy, and programming sectors.1 A goal of the SNEB Public Health Nutrition Division is to help translate public health nutrition research into practice and policies. This translation process is essential to ensure practitioners have the tools to implement effective, evidence-based interventions that have demonstrated improv (...)

JNEB Editorial: National Heart Health Month

Posted by: on Tuesday February 5, 2019 Originally published in the February issue of JNEB. I realize that all of JNEB’s readership knows that February is National Heart Health month. Most of us have taught pro- grams on lower saturated fat, lower sodium, or higher fruit and vegetable eating patterns. In 2015, JNEB published a systematic review and meta-analysis on the effects of the Mediterranean Diet on hypertension, reporting that a positive, significant effect was found between the Mediterranean Diet and blood pressure alth (...)

The Murky World of Superfoods

Posted by: on Monday February 4, 2019 Article originally appears in the February 1, 2019 issue of the SNEB eCommunicator. Looking for a definition of ‘superfoods’? You’ll find more than one...the definition @ is pretty straightforward - a nutrient-rich food considered to be especially beneficial for health and well-being yet @ the definition includes foods that improve emotional health. LiveScience (...)

Look, on the Shelf, it?s a Health Halo!

Posted by: on Wednesday January 23, 2019 Article originally appears in the January 17, 2019 issue of the SNEB eCommunicator. It all started with the ‘puffs.’ Veggie puffs to be specific. OK, cauliflower and  brussel sprout puffs. A look at the nutrition information uncovered the facts: 8 grams of fat/serving (similar to regular potato chips) and made with veggie powder. I’ve just been the target of the health halo effect. What is this effect? It’s when one attribute of a food confers the perception of health to the food wh (...)