
SNEB Editorial: Public Health Nutrition: Translating Research into Practice

Posted by: on Friday February 8, 2019 Originally published in the February issue of JNEB. Public health nutrition is a unique, multifaceted discipline that includes a wide range of experts in the research, policy, and programming sectors.1 A goal of the SNEB Public Health Nutrition Division is to help translate public health nutrition research into practice and policies. This translation process is essential to ensure practitioners have the tools to implement effective, evidence-based interventions that have demonstrated improv (...)

JNEB Editorial: National Heart Health Month

Posted by: on Tuesday February 5, 2019 Originally published in the February issue of JNEB. I realize that all of JNEB’s readership knows that February is National Heart Health month. Most of us have taught pro- grams on lower saturated fat, lower sodium, or higher fruit and vegetable eating patterns. In 2015, JNEB published a systematic review and meta-analysis on the effects of the Mediterranean Diet on hypertension, reporting that a positive, significant effect was found between the Mediterranean Diet and blood pressure alth (...)

The Murky World of Superfoods

Posted by: on Monday February 4, 2019 Article originally appears in the February 1, 2019 issue of the SNEB eCommunicator. Looking for a definition of ‘superfoods’? You’ll find more than one...the definition @ is pretty straightforward - a nutrient-rich food considered to be especially beneficial for health and well-being yet @ the definition includes foods that improve emotional health. LiveScience (...)

Look, on the Shelf, it?s a Health Halo!

Posted by: on Wednesday January 23, 2019 Article originally appears in the January 17, 2019 issue of the SNEB eCommunicator. It all started with the ‘puffs.’ Veggie puffs to be specific. OK, cauliflower and  brussel sprout puffs. A look at the nutrition information uncovered the facts: 8 grams of fat/serving (similar to regular potato chips) and made with veggie powder. I’ve just been the target of the health halo effect. What is this effect? It’s when one attribute of a food confers the perception of health to the food wh (...)

2019…What Will We See on Shelves and Other Food-Related Trends

Posted by: on Wednesday December 12, 2018 Article originally published in the December 6, 2018 issue of the SNEB eCommunicator. Much like seeing holiday decorations this time of year, get ready for a slew of food trends to look for in 2019. The question is, which trends will truly take hold in 2019? Some repeating trends in the articles below are plant-based, fermented products, new flavors (African, Japanese, Filipino), continued evolution of meal kits, cannabis/THC foods and more. Enjoy! Cleaner, fresher and more exotic foods t (...)

In Memoriam: Joanne Pakel Ikeda, MA, RD

Joanne Pakel Ikeda
Posted by: on Wednesday December 5, 2018 Joanne Pakel Ikeda May 17, 1944 – November 27, 2018 Internationally known nutritionist, Joanne P. Ikeda, traveled to a new dimension on Tuesday, November 27, 2018.  She regretted leaving her wonderful husband, Roy H. Ikeda, and her two marvelous daughters, Melinda Mayumi Ikeda and Jennifer Ayame Ikeda, but knew she would be reunited with them in the Great Beyond. Joanne was known for her role in the development of a new approach to weight management entitled Health at Every Size® (H (...)

A Review of 2018

Posted by: on Tuesday December 4, 2018 Published in JNEB - January Issue As we begin JNEB’s 51st volume, I wanted to look back at last year to provide some perspective on this year. Within the 50th volume, we had 5 articles being accessed more than 1,000 times between January 2018 and September 2018.  I think that is amazing and wanted to share a brief description. McArthur et al’s article is titled Health Belief Model (HBM) Offers Opportunities for Designing Weight Management Interventions for College Students.1 This w (...)

Give the Gift of Health and Self-Care this Holiday Season

Posted by: on Monday November 26, 2018 Article originally appears in the November 20, 2018 issue of the SNEB eCommunicator. A recent purchase of very thick and comfy crew socks for walking led to this article. Let me connect the dots...really comfy socks for walking, more enjoyable walking, walking more often. As the holidays approach there are many outlets that provide sources of reasonably-priced ‘health/self-care’ gifts (think dollar stores or discounted grocery stores). Happy gift-giving! (Note: most items below are $20 or (...)

Travel in Good Health

hand washing
Posted by: on Monday November 12, 2018 Article originally appears in the November 8, 2018 issue of the SNEB eCommunicator. Whether traveling for the holidays or going abroad to study or sightsee, you can do so with health in mind. Making healthy and safe food choices, keeping active and washing your hands are but a few things you can do. Handwashing A really small study aligns with 2 other studies and it finds that the security line is one place you pick up germs when traveling. (...)

SNEB Issues Statement Denouncing Involuntary Separation of Immigrant and Refugee Infants and Minor Children from their Families

Posted by: on Tuesday October 30, 2018 Originally written as a resolution, the timeliness of this issue prompted the authors to request the Advisory Committee on Public Policy approve the statement for immediate action by the SNEB Board of Directors. Upon approval by the Board a press release was written and distributed. SNEB Issues Statement Denouncing Involuntary Separation of Immigrant and Refugee Infants and Minor Children from their Families INDIANAPOLIS, IN (October 30, 2018) – The Society for Nutrition Education and Be (...)