
MyFitnessPal Data Breach – Digging Deeper

smart phone
Posted by: on Wednesday April 18, 2018 Article originally appears in the April 12, 2018 issue of the SNEB eCommunicator. Will the recent data breach of MyFitnessPal (see first citation below) be an anomaly? Not likely. Read about the ‘Wild Wild West’ of mobile health app data security as well as good consumer tips. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) exercises enforcement over medical device-type mobile apps (more detail @ and the Fe (...)

Vegetarian Trends

fruit and veggies
Posted by: on Tuesday April 3, 2018 Article originally appears in the March 29 issue of the SNEB eCommunicator. If you think you are seeing more vegetarian/plant-based options everywhere, here’s more about this trend.. OVERALL TRENDS **These veg trends are going mainstream - Mintel research says that 30% of U.S. adults eat meatless at least once a week. And restaurants are paying attention...a pea protein-based burger @ TGIF, spiralized veggie pasta @ Olive Garden, cauliflower pizza crust @ California Pizza Kitchen, br (...)

A Deep Dive into Understanding Research Studies

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Posted by: on Tuesday March 20, 2018 Article originally appears in the March 15, 2018 issue of the SNEB eCommunicator. Now more than ever understanding research studies is important. Social media and the sharing of inaccurate nutrition and health information often coming from questionable research makes it imperative to understand the scientific process and explain it to others. OVERVIEW Why does nutrition advice contradict itself? Overview of factors such as media, evidence-base, bias and source. http://jenniferbrownwell (...)

The Wave of Removing Artificial Colors and Ingredients Continues

nutrition facts
Posted by: on Monday March 5, 2018 Article originally appears in the March 1, 2018 issue of the SNEB eCommunicator. Companies respond to consumer advocate demands to remove artificial colors and other ingredients from processed food and restaurant offerings. Background **Color additives An overview of color additives, which ones are FDA-approved and their oversight/regulation. **Goodbye to artificial colors? Dr. Marion Nestle’s response to Nestle (...)

Learn Online with Podcasts!

woman listening to music
Posted by: on Monday February 19, 2018 Podcasts are a way to listen to an interview with a nutrition leader, hear about the latest research, learn about a nutrition-related topic or learn about a nutrition-related book. And you can walk or garden while listening. So get podcasting.. Interviews with nutrition leaders Isabel Contento Put a Fork In It! Ep. 6: Pamela Koch and Isobel Contento, Tisch Center for Food, Education and Policy - All About Nutrition Education from Put a Fork In It! in Podcasts. (...)

Food (and Drink) in All the (Wrong) Places

college students
Posted by: on Monday February 12, 2018 Several years ago while in a shoe store I noticed a beverage vending machine near the cash register. I began to see food and/or drink vending machines in places I wouldn’t have expected such as Best Buy. Here are some other places food and drink is popping up (hint: not all examples are vending machines)... VENDING Where are the best places to locate vending machines? **According to the Vending Group blog, apartment communities and auto shops. (...)

Visual Serving Size Guides

spoon and measuring tape
Posted by: on Monday January 22, 2018 It’s the New Year and in the spirit of eating healthy resolutions here is a list of visual serving size guides from different sources. What is the difference between a serving and a portion? Some of the resources below are titled serving sizes, others are titled portion sizes. This article reminds us that a serving may be based on MyPlate (or a similar food guide) or a food label. A portion is what someone eats at one time for a meal or snack - a portion may be more or less than a serving. (...)

Grocery Store Disruption News for Savvy Nutrition Educators

healthy food-supermarket
Posted by: on Monday January 8, 2018 Amazon's expansion into the grocery store space, online ordering/delivery (about 25% of grocery stores provide this) and meal kit services aren't the only current grocery store disruptions. What is disruption? According to Wikipedia, it's an innovation that creates new markets and 'disrupts' an existing market. Here are some examples of grocery store disrupters... New in-store offerings **Why grocerants are the future of food shopping Grocerants are grocery stores offering typical shelf pro (...)

Support the Future of Nutrition Education

SNEB Foundation LOGO
Posted by: on Tuesday November 28, 2017 Since 2004 the SNEB Foundation has awarded over 75 scholarships to promising nutrition education students wanting to attend the SNEB Annual Conference.  Many of those recipients have gone on to become active SNEB volunteers and leaders. Betty Izumi writes, “I was one year into my doctoral program and was thrilled to be the recipient of the SNEB Foundation scholarship. SNEB is the first professional organization that I joined.” Laura Hopkins adds, “I have been to several other nation (...)

Recorded Webinars: Fall 2017 Journal Club

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Posted by: on Tuesday November 21, 2017 The Fall 2017 Journal Club series is nearing an end! Thank you to our speakers, moderators and all attendees for an excellent series. The last webinar of this season, SNEB Journal Club 9: Effectiveness of a Parent Health Report in Increasing Fruit and Vegetable Consumption, takes place Monday, November 27. Did you miss out on webinars 1-8? View the recorded webinars from the Fall 2017 Journal Club series to catch up on the nutrition education interventions you missed. Member Access Nonme (...)