
Ellen’s Blog: What’s new or on the horizon

Posted by: on Saturday September 23, 2023 By Ellen Schuster, MS Self-serve drink machines slowly going away, free textbooks w/snacks in them?, low-fat vegan diet saves money, extreme heat canceling school recess, at the grocer some Lunchables include fruit not candy/cookies, new cookbooks focus on veggie burgers, food waste and more! McDonald’s to phase out self-serve drink stations  ( The cost of eating ou (...)

From JNEB: September Editorial

Posted by: on Saturday September 23, 2023 Are Nutrition Professionals Ready for Artificial Intelligence? Alexandra L. MacMillan Uribe, PhD, RDN Julie Patterson, PhD, MBA, RDN, LDN Artificial intelligence (AI) has been prominent in headlines, creating much discourse among experts and the public alike. Advocates view recent advances in AI as revolutionary, while opponents warn that this untested technology could have dire costs. As such, active evaluation of its benefits, limitations, and unintended consequences in nutr (...)

From SNEB Editorial: September 2023

Posted by: on Saturday September 23, 2023 Nourishing Knowledge: Food Education Joins the Core Subjects in Schools Pamela A. Koch, EdD, RDN Natalie Greaves-Peters, MS, RDN Jennifer W. Cadenhead, PhD, RDN “Teaching about food holds the power to transform not only what appears on children's noon-time trays but also the very future of our planet and our societies.” 1  This quote illustrates the potential of food and nutrition education in schools. School-based interventions have been proven effective in shaping (...)

Capturing the History of Nutrition Education “Footsteps for Future Generations”

Posted by: on Friday September 22, 2023 INDIANAPOLIS (September 21, 2023) – For over 50 years, the focus of the Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior (SNEB) has been to support nutrition educators by promoting quality research, effective programs, and sound policies to help ensure good nutrition for all. To honor this important contribution to the public’s health, the SNEB Foundation launched a history project with a glimpse into the Society’s past—how and why the SNEB began and how members have been, and continue to be (...)

What You Need to Know Now

Posted by: on Thursday September 7, 2023 Teens and caffeine in energy drinks - a visual ( <>). Upcoming events … Foodnotphones on Sept. 19 will kickoff a campaign to address social media overuse and reconnection by suggesting that we ditch our phones during mealtimes with family and friends. More info @ (https://www.superma (...)

The Heat and Our Health, Our Food

Posted by: on Monday August 28, 2023 Extreme heat is the story of the year. It affects our health, our food and our options for staying active. Nutrition educators have important messages to share on this topic. How heat affects the body How heat affects the body: including a good analogy about the temperature light that goes on in a car and what happens if we don’t stop to let the car cool off ( How heat affects the body and three groups most at risk: babies, pre (...)

JNEB August ’23 Editorial: Reconnecting, Re-nourishing, and Re-inspiring: The Transformative Potential of SNEB International Conference 2023

Posted by: on Friday August 11, 2023 With great excitement, we present this editorial to reflect on the recently concluded SNEB International Conference 2023 and its transformative potential. A year ago, we introduced the theme, "Empowered Food Citizens: Together for Nutrition and Food Systems Transformation," along with the slogan, "Re-connect, Re-nourish, and Re-inspire."1 These concepts guided our conference planning, emphasizing our commitment to delivering attendees a memorable and impactful experience. As we set the stag (...)

JNEB August ’23 Editorial: So What Are the Implications?

Posted by: on Friday August 11, 2023 One of my favorite parts of articles, briefs, and Great Educational Materials (GEMs) in JNEB is the Implications for Research and Practice section. This is where the rubber meets the road, the theory is put into practice, and the next steps are taken. Often in research, we don't get to see the practical application of the rigorous research we've done. What's great about our field is that the work we do has immediate practical applications, which is one of the key features that distinguishes JN (...)

Schuster’s blog: Food/health in the news

Posted by: on Monday July 31, 2023 Food marketing strategies have changed, moved to different places and gotten more precise to reach consumers (this article doesn’t even begin to include gaming and other examples). Some examples: limited time offers (LTOs) and product mashups, both meant to catch our attention. Product placement, too, has evolved as you’ll see below. Food marketing to children is elevated w/2 recent reports. And not so new, but new for Walmart, expanded in-store advertising ( (...)

Schuster’s blog: Food/health in the news

Posted by: on Monday July 17, 2023 In the economics of food, there’s some good news about the cost of food overall, yet for many not enough; a round-up of SNAP articles and zero waste/repurposing of food ideas and titles. Grocery inflation drops under five percent in June, but some categories see price increases compared to last year ( <>). (...)
Mark Sixma