Podcasts are a way to listen to an interview with a nutrition leader, hear about the latest research, learn about a nutrition-related topic or learn about a nutrition-related book. And you can walk or garden while listening. So get podcasting..
Interviews with nutrition leaders
Isabel Contento
Put a Fork In It! Ep. 6: Pamela Koch and Isobel Contento, Tisch Center for Food, Education and Policy – All About Nutrition Education from Put a Fork In It! in Podcasts. https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/put-a-fork-in-it/id1141088211?mt=2&i=1000381272121
Richard Thaler
Hidden Brain (26 minutes): Misbehaving with Richard Thaler (behavioral economist)
Marion Nestle
Real Food Reads (33 minutes): Soda Politics with Marion Nestle
https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/soda-politics-marion-nestle-ep-1/id1215522970?i=1000383302017&mt=2 and
Conversations with History (56 minutes): Food and Politics with Marion Nestle https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/food-politics-marion-nestle-conversations-history/id252350668?i=1000384269641&mt=2
Brian Wansink
KOPN Food Sleuth (28 minutes): Brian Wansink, Ph.D., Director of Cornell University’s Food and Brand Lab explains ways we can simply tweak our food environments https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/guest-brian-wansink-ph-d-director-cornell-universitys/id330698483?i=1000327587797&mt=2
Hear about the latest research
JAND author podcasts
Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Author Podcast https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/journal-academy-nutrition-dietetics-author-podcast/id1302428389?mt=2
JAND editor podcasts
Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Editor’s Podcast https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/journal-academy-nutrition-dietetics-editors-podcast/id1302429327?mt=2
JNEB podcasts
Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior in Podcasts. https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/journal-of-nutrition-education-and-behavior/id437029195?mt=2
Learn about nutrition-related/job-related topics
SHAPE America podcasts -professional development for health & PE teachers
Classroom management – Part 1 (39 minutes)
Classroom Management – Part 2 (40 minutes)
Learn about a nutrition-related book
Big Questions: When the senses collide (14 minutes) with Charles Spence, author of Gastrophysics: The New Science of Eating
Article originally appears in the February 15, 2018 issue of the SNEB eCommunicator.