Article originally appears in the February 28, 2019 issue of the SNEB eCommunicator.
Last year I shared some grocery store disruptors. Guess what? Here are more…
**5 tech trends that will shape grocery in 2018
Interesting datapoint, 55% of U.S. households will have speakers like Alexa or Google Home by 2022 so look for grocers to hop on the voice ordering bandwagon.
**Technologies and trends shaping the supermarket of the future
With more ‘just-in-time’ delivery of items to a brick and mortar site and the need to reduce costs, in the future supermarkets may downsize but dedicate available space to larger displays of fresh produce.
**Driverless supermarkets that come to you
Stop & Shop is testing the concept this spring in Boston. This is one way to allow shoppers to pick their produce, something shoppers cite as one reason they wouldn’t buy this item online.
**Self-driving mobile grocery store
More on what Stop & Shop is testing in the article above. Robomarts, an autonomous mobile grocery store is ready to roll.
**Kroger launches autonomous driver delivery
This will be piloted this fall in Arizona.
**Kroger’s digital shelves
Available in one location in Washington and one in Ohio, these digital shelf displays provide nutrition info as well as promotions.
**Coming to a store near you: self-driving carts
And devices that weigh items as you put them in your cart, thus making ‘scan and go’ purchases quicker and easier.
**The chicken is local but was it happy? GPS now tells the story of your poultry
Now at one Chinese farm, GPS is rippling throughout the food system. Driscoll’s, in California, uses QR codes to connect you to the farm that grew your strawberries. And Walmart is testing tracking with green leafy vegetables in the event of a food outbreak.