SNEB Editorial: DigiTech Division: Positioning SNEB to Lead the Way in Digital Technology for Nutrition Education and Behavior Change | Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior (SNEB)

SNEB Editorial: DigiTech Division: Positioning SNEB to Lead the Way in Digital Technology for Nutrition Education and Behavior Change

Posted by: on Wednesday March 13, 2019

Originally appears in the March issue of JNEB.

In July 2018, the Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior (SNEB) launched the Digital Technology in Nutrition Education and Behavior Change (Digi- Tech) Division.1 Sharing SNEB’s mission and  vision with the other 11 divisions, the DigiTech Division purposefully aligns its goals and values to SNEB’s. We aim to strengthen the promotion of effective nutrition education and healthy behavior through research, policy, and practice that include digital technology.

Mobile apps, social media, and even virtual reality are now main- stream in this new era of partnership with artificial intelligence and robots. ‘Status quo’ is shifting, and best practices must evolve as digital technology changes the dynamic of how we prepare, deliver, evaluate, and disseminate nutrition education. Indeed, “There are Thousands of Apps for That.”2 But mobile phones and eLearning platforms are just the beginning of how digital technologies are extending the reach and impact of nutrition education.

As the experts in nutrition education, SNEB members benefit by understanding and critically evaluating technology applications in our domain. When SNEB members actively shape how technologies are applied in nutrition education  research,  education, and practice, these technologies will be more effective at achieving behavior change. With the formation  of  this new division, SNEB strives to be the leader in helping nutrition educators and behavior researchers adopt new approaches and optimize impact. The DigiTech Division is committed to empowering SNEB members with the knowledge and resources to integrate emerging technologies into their nutrition education programs by educating, connecting, and promoting SNEB members in the area of digital technology.


We will educate members about digital technologies available for nutrition education and provide ways to learn about emerging technologies through webinars, conference sessions and conference workshops.


We will provide a platform for connecting members and sharing knowledge, collaboration opportunities, and funding resources through networking events at conference, online resources, and hot topic calls.


We are committed to making SNEB the go-to resource for digital technology in nutrition education and behavior change. To do so, we will gather information about how SNEB members and others are using technology in nutrition education and use it to highlight best practices, identify internal experts, and make our members’ value and expertise known within and outside SNEB.

Aficionados and technophobes alike are welcome. We hope you will join the division to learn, network, and share your expertise. We look forward to collaborating with you.

Figure. First meeting of DigiTech Division.

Marissa Burgermaster
University of Texas at  Austin,
Division Chair

Siew Sun Wong
Oregon State University,
DigiTech  Division Chair-Elect

Whitney Bateson
Whitney Bateson Digital Strategy LLC

Zubaida Qamar
San Francisco State University

Jared McGuirt
University of North Carolina at 

Alexandra MacMillan Uribe
University of Wisconsin-Madison

Tatyana el Kour
Action Against Hunger in Syria

Amy Spielmaker
Western Oregon University

Virginia Stage
East Carolina University


  1. White The next 50 years: setting the course for SNEB and JNEB. J Nutr Educ Behav. 2018;50:651-653.
  2. Hingle M, Patrick There are thou- sands of apps for that: navigating mobile technology for nutrition education and behavior. J Nutr Educ Behav. 2016;48: 213-218.