Since 2004 the SNEB Foundation has awarded over 75 scholarships to promising nutrition education students wanting to attend the SNEB Annual Conference. Many of those recipients have gone on to become active SNEB volunteers and leaders.
Betty Izumi writes, “I was one year into my doctoral program and was thrilled to be the recipient of the SNEB Foundation scholarship. SNEB is the first professional organization that I joined.”
Laura Hopkins adds, “I have been to several other national conferences, and I have never felt that the attendees were as connected as those who attended the SNEB conference. It was clear that this connectedness was rooted in commitment and passion to the field. It was truly inspirational.”
And Julie Plasencia says, “It was the first time I presented my MS thesis research during a poster session. I remember meeting Jean Pennington and being in awe that I met one of the authors of a textbook I used in my dietetics courses.”
In time the scholarship program has expanded to include international student through a scholarship honoring Robin Orr, community nutrition and as well as undergraduates. These awards are possible through the generosity of individual donors.
Would you please consider making a year-end tax-deductible contribution so that the Foundation can continue this important outreach? Donate today at https://squareup.com/store/SNEB-Foundation. The Foundation has created these opportunities to be a “gem.”
Foundation Levels
Diamond – $1,000
Emerald – $500
Ruby – $250
Jade – $100
Thank you for your support as SNEB celebrates its 50th anniversary and the Journal prepares to publish its 50th volume!