Article originally appears in the April 11, 2019 issue of the SNEB eCommunicator.
As we head into spring it’s timely to take a look at farmers markets (FM). They’ve been around a long time in one form or another. Yet they have certainly evolved: from their location (senior centers), to products offered to how to pay (acceptance of SNAP/WIC benefits and credit cards).
Overview/finding farmers markets
**Farmers Market Coalition: an overview
**National farmers market directory: find a market near you and other info
**10 reasons to support farmers markets: includes supporting farmers, learning where food comes from, getting new ideas about how to reward food and more!
**Best farmers market in every state: according to Taste of Home
The evolution of farmers markets
**Why are so many farmers markets failing?: in a word, success. There are a lot of FMs but are there enough farmers? In addition, now there are more ways to get food including online and CSAs (community-supported ag).
**5 ways America’s farmers markets have evolved: including use of technology and education such as cooking demos.
Unique markets
**Unique farmers market draws customers: read about a Greenville, SC market and its criteria including foods grown w/in 100 miles
**This farmers market is part of a plan to reduce teen births: an Orlando, FL FM is run by teens
Urban farmers markets
**Managing small urban farmers markets: markets with 5 or fewer vendors come to some neighborhoods
**Inside the future of urban farmers markets: including using mobile pay and diverse locations such as subway stations
**Urban farmers markets: accessibility, offerings, and produce variety, quality and price compared to nearby stores: a cross-sectional look at urban FMs in the Bronx, NY finds they offered fewer kinds of produce, higher prices, more exotic/unusual items and less healthy products (refined/processed) compared to stores.
Schools as sites for farmers markets
**In-school farmers markets – setting up for success: what to consider if you are thinking about starting an in-school FM
**Starting a school farmers market: includes best practices and examples