I started listening to some retail grocery-focused podcasts then stumbled upon other interesting podcasts. Most of the grocery/supermarket sponsored podcasts focus on in-store products with a little bit of nutrition; others were more heavily nutrition-focused. Enjoy!
Lost in the Supermarket hosted by Phil Lempert, CEO of Retail Dietitians Business Alliance, looks at food trends and nutrition-focused info such as food intolerances and plant-based eating from registered dietitians. Episodes run 30 minutes or less.
Giant’s Nutrition Made Easy hosted by registered dietitians. Topics have included diabetes, family meals and back to college eating. Episodes run about 20 to 30 minutes.
Publix Stories is focused on in-store products but a few episodes have been nutrition-focused including eating better. Other topics have addressed sustainability and organic. Episodes run about 20 to 30 minutes.
Weis Markets Healthy Bites hosted by registered dietitians with a focus on nutrition (topics have included produce and plant-based eating) as well as choosing food at the store. Most episodes run about 20 minutes.
Menu Feed focuses on trends in restaurants and other dining venues. One recent episode included 4 fascinating interviews with chefs at senior living sites detailing how menus are changing due to younger residents (hint: they like a wide array of cultural foods and plant-forward dishes).
Risky or Not? is hosted by two university professors (Ben Chapman, North Carolina State University and Don Schaffner, Rutgers University) with a focus on everyday risks from germs including food safety such as a recent episode – refrigerated ravioli past its due date. Each host gives a ‘thumbs up’ (not risky) or ‘thumbs down’ (risky) to end the discussion. Most episodes are 11 minutes or less. Submit YOUR questions about a food safety situation for consideration.
Noshtalgia is a new food-centric podcast from Kroger that taps into shopper’s food memories.