Did you know you can publish a Sponsored Article in the Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior?
Sponsored Articles can range from an individual manuscript all the way up to an entire supplemental issue, allowing you to
- publish multiple papers in a single issue,
- add visibility to and increase promotion of your work,
- show support for JNEB and SNEB, and
- be immediately available to more than 30 million researchers on ScienceDirect.com in addition to JNEB.org.
“A collection of articles in a supplement allows readers to get the full story of a research study, especially when studies are multidimensional and/or longitudinal,” said Adrienne White, PhD, RD. White is an SNEB past president and co-author of sponsored articles that have been published in JNEB.
Such content must still be scientifically valid and of interest to JNEB readers, and will still undergo the usual peer-review process. The overall topic must also be approved by the editor and Invited Papers Committee. If you want to submit an entire supplemental issue, it must be accepted by JNEB’s editor-in-chief and SNEB’s executive director. If everything is accepted, a guest editor will be appointed, approved of by both JNEB and the submitter.
“As Editor for the WIC Breastfeeding Supplement, I was amazed at the level of interest from both researchers and practitioners in submitting articles, attending a follow-up webinar based on some of the papers and the continued accessing of the published papers,” said Madeleine Sigman-Grant, PhD, RD, a JNEB associate editor. “I encourage individuals and groups working on topics of interest to JNEB readers and SNEB members to consider sponsoring an article or an entire supplement as an effective means of communicating their work to others.”
All fees are negotiated with JNEB’s publisher, Elsevier, and may be paid out of research grants or contract funds.
Send an email to editor@jneb.org for more information.